Tamburi Carlo
Director of ENEL-Italia

Carlo Tamburi was appointed Enel's Head of Country Italy in July 2014.
Mr. Tamburi joined Enel in 2002, heading up Mergers and Acquisitions until 2005 before taking the reins at Procurement, Services, General Affairs and Real Estate, where he stayed until 2008. Before taking up his current role he was Head of the International Division.
After graduating with a degree in statistics, Mr. Tamburi worked for Citibank, IRI (the Italian Institute for Industrial Reconstruction) and the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance, and has been on the board at Finmeccanica, Alitalia, Wind and Enel. He was also Chairman of shipping company Tirrenia di Navigazione.
Mr. Tamburi joined Enel in 2002, heading up Mergers and Acquisitions until 2005 before taking the reins at Procurement, Services, General Affairs and Real Estate, where he stayed until 2008. Before taking up his current role he was Head of the International Division.
After graduating with a degree in statistics, Mr. Tamburi worked for Citibank, IRI (the Italian Institute for Industrial Reconstruction) and the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance, and has been on the board at Finmeccanica, Alitalia, Wind and Enel. He was also Chairman of shipping company Tirrenia di Navigazione.
[September 2016]
Source: ENEL
19 September 2016 09:30 | Sacro Convento, Sala Papale
PODIUM 4: Das "gemeinsame Haus" - unsere Mutter Erde