Auditorium Hotel Cenacolo
Santa Maria degli Angeli: Viale Patrono d'Italia, 70
19 September 2016 09:30
PANEL 7: Asia: Religions and the Value of Life

Roberto Catalano
Focolari Movement, Italy
Bijdragen van
Swami Agnivesh
Hindu, India
Alison L. Boden
Princeton University, VS
Homi Dhalla
Zoroastrisme, India
Keiji Kunitomi
Religions for Peace Japan
Felix Anthony Machado
Katholiek aartsbisschop, India
Syuhud Sahudi Marsudi
Voorzitter van de Raad “Nahdlatul Ulama”, Indonesië
Mohinder Singh
Punjab Studies Sikh University, India
19 September 2016 16:30
PANEL 16: Christians and Muslims to the Test of Coexistence

Joseph Soueif
Catholic Archbishop of the Maronite Church, Cyprus
Bijdragen van
Mohammed Abdessalam
Judge at the Council of State, Egypt
Joseph Coutts
Kardinaal, aartsbisschop van Karachi, Pakistan
Abdelrahman El-Zahab
Intellectual, Republic of Sudan
Matthew Hassan Kukah
Catholic Bishop, Nigeria
Seyed Abolhassan Navab
President of the University of Religions, Iran
Guirguis Ibrahim Saleh
Coptic Orthodox Church, Egypt
Mohammad Sammak
Speciaal adviseur van de Grootmoefti van Libanon
20 September 2016 08:30
PANEL 26: The Future of Europe: to Integrate, to Dialogue, to Generate
