Sarajevo National Theatre
The Sarajevo National Theatre (Bosnian and Serbian: Narodno pozorište Sarajevo, Croatian: Narodno kazalište Sarajevo) was founded in November 1921.
The opening ceremony was led by Branislav Nusic, then Head of the Art Department of the Ministry of Education. On November 9, 1946 Sarajevo Opera House commenced its artistic activity with the premiere of B. Smetana's “The Bartered Bride”.
Sarajevo Ballet was also founded in 1946, but its first independent performance “The Harvest” by B. Papandopulo was postponed until May 25, 1950. This performance marked the beginning of its professional development within the national Theater.
The building was designed by architect Karel Parik, who designed over 160 Sarajevo buildings.
10 Septiembre 2012 09:30
PANEL 1 - El amor por los pobres, un camino hacia el ecumenismo

Marco Impagliazzo
Comunitat de Sant’Egidio
Patriarca de la Iglesia Ortodoxa de Serbia
Olav Fykse Tveit
Obispo, Presidente del Consejo de la Iglesia de Noruega
Marco Gnavi
Comunidad de Sant’Egidio, Italia
Metropolita ortodoxo, Patriarcado de Moscú
Kurt Koch
Cardenal, presidente del Pontificio Consejo para la Promoción de la Unidad de los Cristianos, Santa Sede
Paulo Lockmann
Presidente del Consejo Metodista Mundial
10 Septiembre 2012 16:30
PANEL 11 - Hacer la paz, un campo abierto a todos: Mozambique y otras historias