Sorrentino Domenico
Aartsbisschop van Assisi, Italië

20 September 2016 11:05 | Campo sportivo Migaghelli - Santa Maria degli Angeli
Aankomst van Paus Franciscus op de Migaghelli sport velden naast de Santa Maria degli Angeli.

19 September 2016 09:30 | Palazzo Monte Frumentario
PANEL 3: 1986 - 2016, Yesterday as Today: the Relevance of the Spirit of Assisi

18 September 2016 10:30 | Basilica Superiore di San Francesco
Eucharistic Celebration
In the presence of the representatives of the Christian Churches and Ecclesial Communities

• Omelia di Mons. Domenico Sorrentino alla Celebrazione eucaristica di Assisi
20 September 2016 17:15 | Piazza San Francesco

• Speech of Domenico Sorrentino
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