Universidad Eclesiástica San Dámaso, Aula Pablo Domínguez
Madrid: Calle Jerte, 10
16 Setembro 2019 10:00
Painel 8 - Desenvolvimento é o nome da paz

Oded Wiener
Former General Director of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel
Carlos Castillo Mattasoglio
Catholic Archbishop, Peru
Juan Pablo de Laiglesia
Secretary of State for International Cooperation, Spain
Christian Krieger
President of the Protestant Federation of France
Stefania Proietti
Mayor of Assisi, Italy
Din Syamsuddin
Presidente do centro de diálogo e cooperação entre civilizações, Indonésia
16 Setembro 2019 17:30
Painel 17 - A oração na raiz da paz

Jean-Pierre Delville
Catholic Bishop, Belgium
Muhammad Abdul Khabir Azad
Grand Imam of Lahore Mosque, Pakistan
Avraham Giesser
Rabbi, President of Mishpetei Eretz Institute, Israel
Tejkaran Jain
Jainism, India
Jacques Mourad
Syro-Catholic Archbishop, Syria
Swami Chidanand Saraswati Maharaj
Hinduism, Parmarth Niketan Ashram, India
Gerhard Ulrich
Bishop, Lutheran World Federation (LWF), Germany
Arie Folger
Chief Rabbi of Wien, Austria
17 Setembro 2019 10:00
Painel 26 - Ninguém seja excluído
