24 September 2024 09:30 | Eglise Saint-Merry

Speech of Makar Guirguis

Deel Op

Makar Guirguis

Orthodox Bishop, Coptic Church
There is a lot of talk about peace in this life, but how can one truly find true peace? Many are attempting to bring about peace; occasionally through disarmament, occasionally through reconciliation, and a third time by banding together to oppose the belligerents and manufacturers of deadly and destructive weapons.
And once more: Have we witnessed peace emerge and persist anywhere on this planet? People only associate external, surface-level peace with the absence of conflict; once hostilities cease, peace is deemed to have arrived. 
Internal and exterior peace are the two different kinds of peace. The first simply states that there is no conflict, which is a statement of security. It is stated that the area where fighting has ended is the fertilizer of peace. Regarding the second, since internal peace is the source of all other peace, it is the most significant. Since it is enduring and fosters a love of life as well as joy, hope, activity, and love, internal peace is the real kind.
Not on the battlefields, but in the heart is where true peace starts. The absence of resentment is true tranquility. Like the removal of atomic and hydrogen bombs from the hands of armies and nations, hatred is a universal human emotion. War is halted and weapons are removed when true peace is present in the heart, and hatred, bitterness, and resentment are replaced with love. 
The triumph of love over human life is the ultimate state of peace, but how can one achieve it? 
The way that leads to peace is the one that causes the heart to continually transform and become filled with love instead of hate, kindness instead of retaliation, wisdom instead of ignorance, humility instead of arrogance, patience instead of impatience, kindness instead of harshness, faith instead of unbelief, and meekness instead of rashness. 
The idea of peace found in the Bible offers us a blueprint for fostering interpersonal and collective relationships, and the Bible defines justice as having as its ultimate purpose the development of peace. The Bible's definition of justice, however, goes beyond following laws and regulations—no matter how fundamental or significant they may be. Rather, it highlights how God has transformed people's lives and relationships, enabling you to create a peaceful environment. Even while God is the origin and basis of peace, it is up to us to bring about this peace via our interactions with God and other people. For instance, God tells man to care for the poor in the Old Testament. Additionally, to love his adversaries.
However, if we wish to address the matter from multiple angles, we need to consider the following: What does humanity need in order to preserve peace? Why does the world need peace? What are the barriers to achieving world peace?
As previously said, we cannot discuss any issue about humanity as a whole, and peace in particular, without beginning with the individual human being. Humanity cannot be attained by an individual. He requires other people because each individual human is a part of mankind and is affected by the experiences of the latter in one way or another. Individuals are responsible for other things, and vice versa. Furthermore, whatever that is communicated by a single person or a small group of people speaks for all of humanity. Given that the state and the globe are changing more, why and what does it mean for the media to broadcast global news instead of only local news? It becomes closer to being a small village, so anything that has an impact on one of its citizens has an impact on everyone other as well. 
One of the biggest issues facing humanity is this: when culture rebels against itself, it becomes a kind of struggle for existence because it puts itself in jeopardy in order to preserve culture or other cultures. This leads to the significance of what is commonly referred to as the dialogue of civilizations or cultures, which is ultimately a more thorough and integrated aspect of the dialogue of faiths for them. The United Nations has previously presented evidence of the dialogue of civilizations in 2001.
What then is civilization or culture? It is the unique way that man has expressed himself and his past on both a social and individual level; it is the entirety of his movements and beliefs, his artistic creations and rights, his customs and traditions, and all of his abilities unique to his role as a member of a certain society. These are the traits that define and set one civilization apart from another, and they are expressed by every member of that society. 
This is why it is believed that love for our country should be cultivated, but without a vision, a benefactor at the moment established by the entire human family, attempting to avoid the pathological phenomena that arise when belonging takes the form of exclusion of diversity and self-glorification, which emerge under various forms of fanaticism. 
The globe is currently experiencing violent confrontations where interests collide, bombs go off, weapons are debated, and blood is shed from all sides. These wars are taking place in the Middle East between Israel and Palestine and in the East between Russia and Ukraine. 
Thus, real peace is the responsibility of global conscience in every location and time, not just a strategic decision for global leaders. Rachel continues to mourn for her children, who she says were missing from Bethlehem, Russia, Ukraine, and Gaza at different times. She does not want to be comforted because they were no more. 
This is a plea to the conscience of the world for the sake of all children everywhere. 
I appreciate you listening.