Auditorium John Paul II, Urbaniana University

Deel Op

30 September 2013 09:00

Panel 6

Generosity and Market Economy


Mario Marazziti

Gemeenschap van Sant'Egidio, Italië

Bijdragen van

Paolo Borzatta

The European House - Ambrosetti, Italy

Michel Camdessus

Honorary Governor of the Bank of France

Christophe de Margerie

President and Director General of TOTAL, France

Jaron Engelmayer

Opperrabbijn van Wenen, Oostenrijk

Eero Huovinen

Lutheran Bishop, Finland

30 September 2013 16:30

Panel 15

Poverty and the Environment: Eco-Sustainability for the Future


Notker Wolf O.S.B.

Primate Abbot of the Benedictine Confederation

Bijdragen van

Augusto Forti

Vice-President of “Ideasolidarité”, Italy

Shmuel Goldin

President of the Rabbinical Council of America

Bruno Joubert

Ambassador of France to the Holy See

Jeffrey D. Sachs

Colombia University, speciaal adviseur van de secretaris-generaal van de VN

1 Oktober 2013 09:30

Panel 28

Terror in the name of Religion Challenges Believers