Franciscan Convent – Hall A

Deel Op

7 September 2009 09:30

Panel 8 - Faiths and the Value of Life


Jean-Marie Bala

Catholic Bishop, Cameroon

Bijdragen van

Cherubina Zofia Bokota

Catholic Church, Poland

Domenico Crupi

Directeur-generaal van het “Huis ter verlichting van het lijden", Italië

Sohan Lal Gandhi

Jainism, Anuvrat International, India

Thero Gnanarama

Rector of the Buddhist and Pali College of Singapore

Gerhard Pross

Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA), Germany

Oded Wiener

Opperrabbinaat van Israël

7 September 2009 16:30

Panel 19 - The Power of Prayer Over History

Chairperson and Speaker

Vladimir Gaudrat

Catholic, Abbot of Lérins, France

Bijdragen van

David Brodman

Rabbijn, Israël

Thero Gnanarama

Rector of the Buddhist and Pali College of Singapore

Jerzy Pańkowski

Orthodox Bishop, Church of Poland

Andrzej Napiórkowski

Catholic Theologian, Poland