18 Ноябрь 2008 09:30 | Technical School of Nicosia- Hall A

Panel 20 - Islam and Christianity: a Complex and Multifaceted Relationship

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Pier Luigi Celata

Vescovo, Segretario del Pontificio Consiglio per il Dialogo Interreligioso, Santa Sede


Sayyed Mohammad Ali Abtahi

President, Institute for Interreligious Dialogue, Iran

Aisha Yousef Al-Menn'ai

Dean of the Faculty of Sharia and Islamic Studies, Qatar

Mar Gregorios Yohanna Ibrahim

Metropolitan of the Syrian Orthodox Church

Guy Harpigny

Catholic Bishop, Belgium

Tarek Mitri

Rector, Saint George University of Beirut, Lebanon

Siti Musdah Mulia

Representative of the “Indonesian Conference on Religion and Peace”

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