September 11 2017 09:30 | Bezirksregierung Muenster, Freiherr-vom-Stein-Saal

PANEL 3: Economy and Social Justice

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Theo Paul

General Vicar of Osnabrück


Bernhard Felmberg

Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Germany

El Mostafa Higazy

Nasaq Foundation for Strategic Thinking, Egypt

Patrick Pouyanné

President Generai Director, Tota/ Énergies SE, France

David Rosen

Rabbi, Special Advisor to the Abrahamic Family House (AFH) in Abu Dhabi, Israel

Thomas Sternberg

President of the Central Committee of German Catholics

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Panel 3: Economia e giustizia sociale (Münster 2017)
Panel 3: Economia e giustizia sociale (Münster 2017)
Panel 3: Economia e giustizia sociale (Münster 2017)
Panel 3: Economia e giustizia sociale (Münster 2017)
Panel 3: Economia e giustizia sociale (Münster 2017)
Panel 3: Economia e giustizia sociale (Münster 2017)
Panel 3: Economia e giustizia sociale (Münster 2017)