Scotti Vincenzo
Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Italy

September 12 2011 09:00 | Rathaus, Großer Sitzungssaal
Panel 8 - Immigration: Bound to Live Together

October 4 2010 16:30 | Palau de la Generalitat - Auditori
Panel 11 - The Mediterranean Sea: a space for meeting

September 7 2009 09:30 | Cracow City Hall – Hall B
Panel 5 - Latin America in a Globalized World

• Intervento
September 7 2009 16:30 | Aula Collegium Novum UJ
Panel 14 - 1989: A Peaceful Transition

• Contributo
November 18 2008 09:30 | Hilton Cyprus - Ballroom A
Panel 16 - Latin America, Working for a Civilization of Peace