Castro Jaume
Community of Sant’Egidio, Spain

September 7 2015 16:30 | National History Museum
PANEL 12 : Stories of the Mediterranean: a Sea that Both Divides and Unites

• Intervento di Jaume Castro
IT | ES | FR
September 8 2014 16:30 | Thomas More, Campus Carolus, Room 109
PANEL 13: City and Peace

• Intervento
October 1 2013 09:30 | Basilica of St. Bartholomew
Panel 23
Martyrdom: a Reality for Christians Today

October 3 2010 10:30 | Santa Maria del Mar
Eucharistic Celebration
at the presence of the Christian Churches and Denominations

• Saluto
October 4 2010 09:30 | Ajuntament. Saló de Cent
Panel 2 - “The Poor as Treasure of Church”

• Barcellona 2010 - Intervento di Jaume CASTRO
IT | CA | ES