Puljic Vinko
Cardinal, Archbishop of Vrhbosna-Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
[1945 Priječani, Serbia]
Priest since 1970, on November 1990 he was appointed Archbishop of Sarajevo by the Blessed John Paul II.
He has been President of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Bishop Conference more than once.
He was appointed Cardinal in 1994.
September 2012
October 16 2018 09:30 | Sala Atti, Palazzo Re Enzo
Panel 21 - Sarajevo: Living Together is the Future

• Discorso di Vinco Pulijc
September 9 2014 09:30 | Auditorium KBC
PANEL 18: 100 Years after World War I: Disarmament is Possible
• InterventoSeptember 9 2012 17:00 | Skenderjia, Main Hall
Opening Assembly

• Opening Speech of Vinko Puljić
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September 10 2012 16:30 | Sarajevo National Theatre
PANEL 11 - Peace is a Workshop Open to All: Mozambique and Other Stories

• I costruttori della pace
September 11 2012 09:30 | Mayor Seminar of Sarajevo (Hall Paul VI)
PANEL 25 - Sarajevo 20 Years Later: from Clash to Encounter?

• Sull'esperienza della guerra e dopo la guerra a Sarajevo
September 11 2012 19:00 | Centre of Sarajevo
Final Ceremony
Final Addresses - Testimonies - Reading, signing and delivery of the Appeal for Peace 2012

September 8 2012 18:00 | Centre of Sarajevo
Eucharistic Celebration

• Greetings and Homily of His Eminence Card. Vinko Puljiċ Archbishop of Vrhbosna-Sarajevo
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