Pizzaballa Pierbattista
Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, Holy Land

[Cologno sul Serio, Bergamo, ITALY 1965].
He joined the Custody of the Holy Land in 1990. At the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem he worked in the pastoral care of the Hebrew speaking faithful and was Patriarchal Vicar from 2005 to 2008.
He was Custos of the Holy Land from 2004 to 2016. From June 2016 to October 2020 he is Apostolic Administrator of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem. On 24 October 2020, Pope Francis appointed him Patriarch of Jerusalem of the Latin Rite.
(October 2022)
September 10 2012 09:30 | Hanika Hall (close to Gazi Husrev-begova medresa)
PANEL 9 - Pluralism in the Future of the Arab World

November 17 2008 16:30 | Hilton Cyprus - Ballroom A
Panel 8 - Israelis and Palestinians in Dialogue for Peace