Steinmeier Frank-Walter
President of the Federal Republic of Germany

(Detmold, GERMANY - 1956)
He has been President of the Federal Republic of Germany since 19 March 2017. He is in his second term of office.
He was the Vice-Chancellor and Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs from 2005 to 2009.
He was involved in drawing up the broad outlines of the Agenda 2010 programme, which included extensive reforms of the German welfare state.
He was Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs once more from 2013 to 2017, during Angela Merkel's 'Grand Coalition' governments.
September 10 2023 16:30 | Verty Music Hall
Opening Assembly "The Audacity of Peace"

• Frank-Walter Steinmeier a L'audacia della Pace: "Vogliamo la pace. Lo vuole soprattutto il popolo martoriato dell'Ucraina. Anche in tempo di guerra, Non dobbiamo mai rinunciare alla speranza di pace, alla lotta per la pace!"