September 7 2015 09:30 | National History Museum
PANEL 3 : Christians and Muslims and the Challenges of a Global World

Michel Santier
Catholic Bishop, France
Sayyed Mohammad Ali Abtahi
President, Institute for Interreligious Dialogue, Iran
Anouar Kbibech
President of the "Conseil Français du Culte Musulman" (CFCM), Morocco
Muhja Ghalib
Dean of the Female Faculty of Islamic Studies, University of al-Azhar, Egypt
Klaus Krämer
President of Missio Aachen, Germany
Siti Musdah Mulia
Representative of the “Indonesian Conference on Religion and Peace”
Guirguis Ibrahim Saleh
Orthodox Coptic Intellectual, Egypt
Joseph Soueif
Catholic Archbishop of the Maronite Church, Cyprus