Hatakeyama Yoshitaka
Asian Conference on Religion and Peace

[1949, in Tokyo]
He graduated at Musashino Art University and entered Buddhist Seminary of Rissho Kosei-kai (RK) in 1971.
He was Head of External Affairs Section in RK, Buddhist Minister of RK New York, and RK- NGO Representative to UN Board of WCRP U.S.A.
In 2002, he was appointed as Under Secretary- General of World Conference of Religions for Peace (WCRP) and in 2012 he became the Secretary-General.
(September 2014)
September 30 2013 09:00 | Peace Hall
Panel 5
Hope and Peace, Religions in Japan

• Speranza e pace: le religioni in Giappone
October 5 2010 09:30 | Reial Acadèmia de les Bones Lletres
Panel 23 - Religions in Asia and the Value of Life