Barrett John Charles Allanson
President of the World Methodist Council, Singapore
Panel 9 - Christians and Violence in Today’s World
Nov 17 2008 16:30 | Hilton Cyprus - Ballroom BBenguenna Khadija
Journalist of Al Jazeera, Algeria
Benkada Asmaa
Al-Jazeera TV Program Producer, Qatar
Panel 17 - Fighting Poverty to Build Peace
Nov 18 2008 09:30 | Hilton Cyprus - Ballroom B
Betancourt Pulecio Ingrid
Witness, Colombia
Final Ceremony
Nov 18 2008 18:00 | Archbishopric Yard
Bobbio Alberto
Journalist, Italy
Panel 22 - Jews and Christians:an Unavoidable Dialogue
Nov 18 2008 09:30 | Hilton Cyprus - Othello Hall
Boutin Christine
Former Minister of Housing and the City, France
Brodman David
Rabbi, Israel
Panel 14 - Faiths and Love
Nov 17 2008 16:30 | Hilton Cyprus - Othello Hall
Bukhari de Pontual Sylvie
Activist for the abolition of the torture, France
Panel 9 - Christians and Violence in Today’s World
Nov 17 2008 16:30 | Hilton Cyprus - Ballroom B