
The appeal of the Metropolitan of Halep: "Christians should be protected in order to prevent forced migration"

Prayer for PeaceDialogueEcumenismBarcelonaSpirit of Assisi

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Taking the floor to ask a question at the conference "Migration and the Future", Mar Gregorios Yohanna Ibrahim, Metropolitan of Halep's of the Syrian Orthodox Church, has firmly put the issue of protection of Christian minorities in the Middle East.

"More than 400,000 Christians have emigrated in recent years from various countries of the Middle East, not by their will, but to escape war, fear and attacks. We must protect them to prevent forced migration."

In the conference, in the framework of the Meeting of Sant'Egidio in Barcelona, take part - among others - the U.S. ambassador to the Holy See, Diaz, Minister of Religious Affairs of Kurdistan in Iraq and the Speaker of the Grand Rabbi of France, Moshe Lewin.