Ferrari Antonio
Journalist and writer, Italy

(updated October 2022)
[1946, Modena, ITALY]
Italian journalist and writer, he has been special correspondent and columnist for Corriere della Sera for over thirty years. His activity has led him to Europe, the Eastern countries, the Middle East, the Balkans and North Africa to follow political crises, conflicts, attempts at peace.
He is a member of the Scientific Committee of the Italian Center for Peace in the Middle East and of Gariwo (The forest of the Righteous).
September 17 2019 10:00 | Sala Columnas, Círculo de Bellas Artes
Panel 19 - The document “Human Fraternity”

• Intervento di Antonio Ferrari
October 16 2018 09:30 | Sala Re Enzo, Palazzo Re Enzo
Panel 22 - John Paul II: the Pope of Dialogue

• Discorso di Antonio Ferrari
September 11 2017 16:30 | Bischoefliches Priesterseminar Borromaeum, Kardinal-von-Galen-Saal
PANEL 12: Making Peace

September 19 2016 09:30 | Auditorium Grand Hotel Congressi
PANEL 6: Propaganda for War, Information for Peace

September 7 2015 17:30 | Orthodox Cathedral
Panel 10 : Envisioning Peace. Religion and Politics Discuss Their Role

October 1 2013 09:30 | Theatre of the Collegio Urbano
Panel 29
Crisis in the Middle East

• La crisi in Medio Oriente
September 10 2012 09:30 | Muslim Madresa (Gazi Husrev-begova medresa)
PANEL 5 - The Mediterranean Sea, Space of Encounter

• intervento di Antonio Ferrari
September 11 2012 09:30 | Islamic Faculty Hall (Fakultet islamskih nauka)
PANEL 23 - A Balance of the Arab Spring

September 7 2009 09:30 | Cracow City Hall – Hall C
Panel 6 - Market Society, Religions and the Challenge of Materialism

November 17 2008 16:30 | Hilton Cyprus - Ballroom A
Panel 8 - Israelis and Palestinians in Dialogue for Peace