Theatre of the Collegio Urbano

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September 30 2013 09:00

Panel 7

Fifty Years after Pacem in Terris


Jean-Dominique Durand

Historian, President of the Judeo-Christian Friendship in France



Orthodox Metropolitan Bishop, Greece

Jean-Arnold de Clermont

Pastor of the Reformed Church, France

Marco Roncalli

President of “Pope John XXIII” Foundation, Italy

Mario Toso

Bishop, Secretary of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, Holy See

September 30 2013 16:30

Panel 16

The Imperative Need of Family


Marco Tarquinio

Director of “Avvenire”, Italy


Giampiero Dalla Zuanna

Senator, Italy

Abdelfattah Mourou

First Vice-President of the Parliament, Tunisia

Riccardo Pacifici

President of the Jewish Community of Rome

Vincenzo Paglia

Catholic Archbishop, President of the Pontifical Academy for Life, Holy See

Raj Kumar Srivastava

Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, India

Antonio Tajani

Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Italy

Laurent Ulrich

Archbishop of Paris, France

October 1 2013 09:30

Panel 29

Crisis in the Middle East


Leonardo Sandri

Cardinal, Prefect of the Congregation for Oriental Churches, Holy See


Khadija Benguenna

Journalist of Al Jazeera, Algeria

Antonio Ferrari

Journalist and writer, Italy

Ahmed Maher

Movement “April 6th” of Tahrir Square, Egypt

Haytham Manna

President of the National Coordination Body, Siria

Mario Mauro

Minister of Defence, Italy

Domenico Quirico

Journalist and writer, Italy

Mohammad Sammak

Political Advisor to the Grand Mufti of Lebanon

Roberto Toscano

Ambassador, Italy

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