Koch Kurt
Cardinal, President of the Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, Holy See

[1950, Switzerland]
He’s Bishop of Basel since 1995. In July 2010 he was appointed president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity. He studied theology at the University of Lucerne and the Ludwig Maximilians University of Monaco of Bavaria. From 1985 until he became bishop he taught dogmatic theology and liturgy at the Theological Faculty of the University of Lucerne.
From 2007 to 2009 he’s been president of the Swiss Episcopal Conference.
He was created cardinal in November 2010.
September 30 2013 16:30 | Basilica of Santa Maria in Trastevere
Panel 18
Christian Fraternity and World Unity

September 10 2012 09:30 | Sarajevo National Theatre
PANEL 1 - Love for the Poor, the Path to Ecumenism

• Ecumenismo e carità
