Mayor Seminar of Sarajevo (Hall Paul VI)


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September 10 2012 09:30

PANEL 6 - Youth and Elderly People: a Necessary Meeting Between Generations


Roger Etchegaray

Wicedziekan Kolegium Kardynalskiego, Stolica Apostolska


Claude Baty

President of the French Protestant Federation

David Brodman

Główny Rabin Savyon, Izrael

Slaheddine Jourchi

Journalist and Human Rights activist, Tunisia

Giancarlo Penza

Community of Sant’Egidio, Italy

Jean-Pierre Ricard

Cardinal, Archbishop of Bordeaux, France

Tep Vong

Patriarcha Buddyzmu Kambodżańskiego

September 10 2012 16:30

PANEL 16 - In Search of God to Find Man



Philippe Barbarin

Cardinal, Archbishop of Lyon, France

Leopold Djogbédé

Community of Sant’Egidio, Benin

Jaron Engelmayer

Główny Rabin

Jürgen Johannesdotter

Biskup ewangelicki, Niemcy

Alexander Ogorodnikov

Świadek, Federacja Rosyjska


Metropolita, Prawosławny Patriarchat Rumunii

September 11 2012 09:30

PANEL 25 - Sarajevo 20 Years Later: from Clash to Encounter?


Cornelio Sommaruga

Były Przewodniczący Międzynarodowego Komitetu Czerwonego Krzyża, Szwajcaria


Alija Behmen

Mayor of Sarajevo

Mustafa Ceric

President of the World Bosniak Congress, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Stefan Dartmann

President of Renovabis, Germany

Jakob Finci

President of the Jewish Community in Bosnia and Herzegovina


Orthodox Bishop, Serbian Patriarchate

Valentin Inzko

High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina

Vinko Puljic

Cardinal, Archbishop of Vrhbosna-Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina