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José Alejandro Solalinde Guerra

Director of Hermanos en camino, Mexico
 We meet by the grace of God in the time of the migrant. I am speaking of a transcendent and unique migration. Today's migration is the main sign of our times. God is speaking to us through it. Migrants warn us that something in the world has already been destroyed. Their places of origin have been destroyed and they are seeking integral, egalitarian, inclusive living conditions.
Migrants testify the decadence of our modern and post-modern civilization, and of the capitalist system. They announce the end of a materialistic and consumerist culture.
Migrants bring the experience of change, of cultural and spiritual renewal, of the strength of the journey, they are an opportunity to better live the faith in God  who walks with everyone, who loves migrants and the family and our land that, like a mother, gives life to everyone and opens us to the hope of a better time.
Migrants are also the image of a new, rich, plural humanity that gets rid of material burdens for lighter walking. As a Church, we learn from migrants that we too are pilgrims.
I thank the Community of Sant'Egidio that gave us the opportunity to come together to build peace by sharing a part of the common journey of life. Above all it leaves us the task of improving the living conditions of those who, still today, are forced to leave their places of origin.
The Community helps us to ensure that the places of welcome receive migrants like Jesus himself.
We start motivated to build peace with all of us as a precious gift of God's love and of everyone's commitment.

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