Esslimani Mohammed
Theologian, Saudi Arabia
September 24 2024 09:30 | Eglise Saint-Merry

• Intervento di Mohammed Esslimani
September 11 2023 16:00 | Hilton Hotel
Forum 10 - The word of God: compass for our time

• Intervento di Mohammed Esslimani
September 16 2019 17:30 | Real Casa de Correos, Comunidad de Madrid
Panel 12 - East and West in Dialogue

September 11 2017 16:30 | Bischoefliches Priesterseminar Borromaeum, Kardinal-von-Galen-Saal
PANEL 12: Making Peace

September 19 2016 09:30 | Palazzo Monte Frumentario
PANEL 3: 1986 - 2016, Yesterday as Today: the Relevance of the Spirit of Assisi

September 11 2012 09:30 | Islamic Faculty Hall (Fakultet islamskih nauka)
PANEL 23 - A Balance of the Arab Spring

October 5 2010 09:30 | Institución Javeriana - Auditori
Panel 20 - The Islamic-Christian Dialogue: Building a Common Destiny

October 4 2010 09:30 | Ajuntament. Saló de Cròniques
Panel 4 - Making Peace: an open yard for religions

September 7 2009 16:30 | Franciscan Convent – Hall B
Panel 21 - The Scriptures in Monotheistic Faiths

November 17 2008 09:30 | Hilton Cyprus - Ballroom B
Panel 2 - John Paul II and the Prophecy of Peace

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