Santier Michel
Catholic Bishop, France

September 16 2019 17:30 | Sala Valle Inclán, Círculo de Bellas Artes
Panel 14 - Living Together in the City

• Intervento di Michel Santier
September 11 2017 16:30 | Franz-Hitze-Haus, Saal 1
PANEL 14: Living Together

• Intervento di Michel Santier
September 7 2015 09:30 | National History Museum
PANEL 3 : Christians and Muslims and the Challenges of a Global World

September 9 2014 09:30 | Thomas More, Campus Carolus, Room 109
PANEL 22: Whoever Looks at God Sees Man
September 30 2013 09:00 | Conference Hall of Villa Maria
Panel 4
Religions Respond to Violence against Women

September 11 2012 09:30 | Bosniak Institute of Sarajevo (Bošnjački institut u Sarajevu)
PANEL 26 - Muslims and Christians in Dialogue

October 4 2010 16:30 | Casal del Metge - Sala d'Actes
Panel 14 - Believers: a resource in a globalised world