
Münster: Jesuitengang

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September 11 2017 09:30

PANEL 8: Martyrdom: a Matter of Memory and a Reality for Christians


Nikola Eterovic

Catholic Achbishop, Apostolic Nuncio in Germany


Ian Campbell

University of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Jean-François Colosimo

Director of Editions du Cerf, France


Orthodox Bishop, Coptic Church, Egypt


Orthodox Bishop, Moscow Patriarchate

Hovakim Manukyan

Armenian Orthodox Bishop, Primate of the United Kingdom

Karl-Adolf Schneider

Witness, Germany

Ernest Simoni

Cardinal, Witness, Albania

September 11 2017 16:30

PANEL 16: Christians and Peace



John X

Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch and All the East


Orthodox Metropolitan Bishop, Romanian Patriarchate

Paulo Lockmann

World Methodist Council

Jean Paul Messina

Catholic University of Central Africa, Cameroon

Gregorio Rosa Chavez

Cardinal, Auxiliary Bishop of San Salvador, El Salvador

Anders Wejryd

Co-President of the World Council of Churches

September 12 2017 09:00

PANEL 24: 500 Years After the Reformation: the Word of God and the Life of Christians


Christoph Hegge

Catholic Bishop, Germany


Frère Alois

Prior of the Community of Taizé, France

Chris Ferguson

World Communion of Reformed Churches, Canada

Jürgen Johannesdotter

Lutheran Bishop, Germany

Armand Puig I Tàrrech

Catholic Theologian, Spain

Gerhard Ulrich

Bishop, Lutheran World Federation (LWF), Germany

Munib Younan

World Lutheran Federation