Rosen David
Rabbi, Special Advisor to the Abrahamic Family House (AFH) in Abu Dhabi, Israel

[Newbury, UNITED STATES - 1951]
After serving as the AJC's International Director of Interfaith Affairs, he is now special advisor to the Abrahamic Family House in Abu Dhabi.
He has promoted understanding and good relations between religious communities for more than forty years, from his time as rabbi of the largest Orthodox Jewish congregation in South Africa, during his tenure as Chief Rabbi of Ireland and for the past thirty years in Jerusalem.
He has received very prestigious prizes and awards for his efforts to promote interfaith understanding and cooperation.
September 11 2023 16:00 | Französische Friedrichstadtkirche
Forum 13 - Fragmentation and uncertainty: the other side of globalization

• Speech of David Rosen
IT | EN | DE
September 16 2019 17:30 | Sala María Zambrano, Círculo de Bellas Artes
Panel 15 - Preventing Genocides

• Speech of David Rosen
September 11 2017 09:30 | Bezirksregierung Muenster, Freiherr-vom-Stein-Saal
PANEL 3: Economy and Social Justice

• Speech of David Rosen
September 19 2016 17:00 | Sacro Convento, Sala Papale
PANEL 13: Bartholomew: 25 Years at the Service of Christians and the World

• Speech of David Rosen
September 19 2016 09:30 | Sacro Convento, Sala Romanica
PANEL 5: Christians and Jews in Dialogue: Milestones and New Questions

• Speech of David Rosen
September 7 2015 16:30 | Tirana International Hotel
PANEL 11 : The Spirit of Assisi from the Cold War to the Global World

• Contribution from David Rosen
September 6 2015 17:00 | Congress Palace
Opening Assembly

• Contribution from David Rosen Former Chief Rabbi of Ireland, AJC, Israel
EN | IT | DE
September 8 2014 09:30 | Auditorium BNP Paribas Fortis
PANEL 2: Sustainable Development and the Fight against Poverty in 21st Century

• Contribution
September 8 2014 16:30 | Thomas More, Campus Carolus, Room 005
PANEL 11: Building a more Human Society Starting from the Poor
• Judaism and PovertyIT | EN | NL
October 1 2013 09:30 | Clemenza Hall, ABI
Panel 24
The Suffering of Peoples and Paths to Peace

• Suffering – questioning ourselves
September 30 2013 09:00 | Conference Hall of Villa Maria
Panel 4
Religions Respond to Violence against Women

• Religions and Violence against Women
September 10 2012 16:30 | Islamic Faculty Hall (Fakultet islamskih nauka)
PANEL 14 - No Future Without Family

• Contribution of David Rosen
September 7 2009 16:30 | Słowacki Theatre
Panel 12 - John Paul II and the „Spirit of Assisi”

• Contribution
November 17 2008 09:30 | Hilton Cyprus - Ballroom B
Panel 2 - John Paul II and the Prophecy of Peace

• Intervento di David Rosen