Neues Rathaus, Kleiner Sitzungssaal

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September 12 2011 09:30

Panel 9 - Japan after the Earthquake

September 12 2011 16:00

Panel 21 - The Strength and Weakness of the Family: Religious Reflections

September 13 2011 09:00

Panel 32 - Religions in Asia: the Challenge of Modernity


Oswald Gracias

Cardinal, President of the Indian Bishops’ Conference


Roberto Catalano

Ruch Focolari, Włochy

Homi Dhalla

World Zoroastrian Cultural Foundation, Indie

Thero Gnanarama

Principal Buddhist and Pali College, Singapur

Savio Hon Tai-Fai

Archbishop, Secretary of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, Holy See

Gensho Hozumi

Buddyzm Rinzai Zen, Japonia

Raj Kumar Srivastava

Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, India

Tep Vong

Patriarcha Buddyzmu Kambodżańskiego

U Uttara

Mnich Buddyjski, Myanmar