Prayer for PeaceDialogueEcumenismMonaco of BavariaSpirit of Assisi{MONACO_BOX_SERVIZI}
Lankó József
Responsible of pastoral care for the Roma, Hungary
FORUM B - A Europe of Peoples: the Case of the Roma
Sep 12 2011 19:00 | Hochschule für Philosophie
Laras Giuseppe
President of the Assembly of Rabbis of Italy
Panel 7 - Justice and Love in Scriptures
Sep 12 2011 09:00 | Residenz, Schwarzer Saal
Lauenroth Herbert
Focolare Movement, Germany
Orthodox Metropolitan, Romanian Patriarchate

Lazar Berl
Chief Rabbi of the Russian Federation
Panel 19 - Modern Men and Women in Search of God
Sep 12 2011 16:00 | Residenz, Schwarzer Saal
Leineweber Matthias
Community of Sant’Egidio

Lemmens Leon
Catholic Bishop, Belgium

Lewin Moshe
Chief Rabbi, Vice-President of the Conference of European Rabbis, France
Panel 18 - Religion and the Value of Life
Sep 12 2011 16:00 | Residenz, Vier-Schimmel-Saal
Linden Juergen
President of the International Charlemagne Awards Foundation, Germany

Lindenberger Hans
Director of Caritas Munich