Patriarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church

[1930 Vidova (Cacak), Serbia]
He undertook his studies in Cacak and completed them in Belgrad, at the Faculty of Orthodox Theology. Afterwards he studied also in Athens.
In Munich from 1959, in 1969 he was appointed head of the monastic school of Ostrog Monastery.
He has been Rector in Prizren Seminary until 1974, on that same year he was appointed bishop of Moravica and vicar of the Patriarch. In 1975 he was appointed bishop of Niš, he has been filling this post until he was appointed Patriarch in 2010.
September 2012
September 9 2012 17:00 | Skenderjia, Main Hall
Opening Assembly

• Opening Speech Irinej
IT | EN | ES | DE
September 10 2012 09:30 | Sarajevo National Theatre
PANEL 1 - Love for the Poor, the Path to Ecumenism

• A Dialog of Truth and Love – Imperative of our time
September 8 2012 18:00 | Centre of Sarajevo
Eucharistic Celebration

• Discorso del Patriarca serbo-ortodosso Irinej al termine della liturgia