Mourou Abdelfattah
First Vice-President of the Parliament, Tunisia

Abdelfattah Mourou is a Tunisian lawyer and politician and a co-founder of Ennahdha Party and is currently its Vice-President. Mourou speaks Arabic, French, and German.
On 4 December 2014, he was elected First Vice President of the Assembly of the Representatives of the People, receiving 157 votes out of 214 representatives present. After his election, he kissed his only contender, Mbarka Aouinia Brahmi, the widow of Mohamed Brahmi, who had been assassinated by a Salafist in 2013, on the forehead. Brahmi, nominated by the Popular Front and supported by Afek Tounes, had received 33 votes.
On 4 December 2014, he was elected First Vice President of the Assembly of the Representatives of the People, receiving 157 votes out of 214 representatives present. After his election, he kissed his only contender, Mbarka Aouinia Brahmi, the widow of Mohamed Brahmi, who had been assassinated by a Salafist in 2013, on the forehead. Brahmi, nominated by the Popular Front and supported by Afek Tounes, had received 33 votes.
[September 2016]
Source: Wikipedia
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