Sala Banca di Bologna
Bologna: Piazza Minghetti, 4
October 15 2018 09:30
Panel 1 - Forgotten Wars

Din Syamsuddin
President, Center tor Dialogue and Cooperation among Civilizations, Indonesia
Yahya Al-Dailami
Theologian and Zaydi Imam, Yemen
Mauro Garofalo
Community of Sant'Egidio
James Oyet Latansio
Segretario generale del Consiglio delle Chiese del Sud Sudan
Jean-Pierre Denis
Director of La Vie, France
Abdulwahhab Ahmed Al-Taha Al-Sammaraee
Spokesman of Fiqh Council of Senior Scholars, Iraq
Helena Useche
Activist for peace, Colombia
October 15 2018 16:30
Panel 9 - Disarming Conflicts

Marco Tarquinio
Director of “Avvenire”, Italy
Eugenio Bernardini
Former Moderator of the Waldensian Table, Italy
Alison L. Boden
Dean, University of Princeton, USA
Nelson Castiano Chigande Moda
Community of Sant’Egidio, Mozambique
Parfait Onanga-Anyanga
UN Special Representative for the Central African Republic
Gijun Sugitani
Chief Priest of the Myoho-in Temple, Tendai Buddhism, Japan
October 16 2018 09:30
The New Frontiers of Living Together

Mario Giro
Essayist, Community of Sant'Egidio, ltaly
Metropolitan, Patriarchal Exarch of Western Europe, Moscow Patriarchate
Chanchalapathi Dasa
Hindu, Akshaya Patra Foundation, India
Avraham Giesser
Rabbi, President of Mishpetei Eretz Institute, Israel
Anis Issa
Chiesa Copta ortodossa, Egitto
Butros Marayati
Archbishop of Aleppo of the Catholic Armenians
Haeder Nashir
General Chairman of Muhammadiah, Indonesia