September 24 2024 18:40 | Parvis Notre-Dame


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We women and men of different religions gathered in Paris, with humanists, intellectuals and many people, carrying in our hearts the pain of so many peoples for the ongoing wars. We tried to imagine, in the meetings and dialogues of these days (imagination is indeed necessary) a future of peace for this world. We have done so for those who are sadly involved in war, for those affected by terrorism. Unfortunately, there is a widespread spirit of resignation concerning ongoing conflicts, which risk escalation into a larger and more overwhelming war. In many parts of the world, as well as here in Europe, the memory of the horrors of war, a legacy of the two world wars in the 20th century, has been lost - that legacy that shows that only peace is the humane and just alternative!
We run the risk of conveying to the younger generations a world of warfare, scarred by terrorism and violence. We run the risk of passing on to them the rehabilitation of war, as a tool for resolving conflicts or enforcing one's own interests. This is a world that is destroyed by war and ecological crises. Religions, from the depth of their respective traditions and of the treasures of their wisdom, know very well that peace is the life of the world. They also know that warfare in the name of God is blasphemy. They have no military or economic strength. Their strength is weak and humble, but filled with hope. Through dialogue, religions can imagine peace. They do not give up their belief that peace is the best condition for the development of peoples, indeed the only truly humane and worthy one.
Therefore, while aware of the complexity of political entanglements, we call today for a profound turnaround. We call on policymakers, warlords, all peoples. The step for change which Is required is to seek for pathways of peace that already exist, also when they are hidden by the darkness of war. We prayed God to grant peace to the world with an unanimous sentiment. And today, in front of the basilica of Notre Dame - destroyed by fire and today rebuilt - we affirm with conviction: we can free the world from the fire of war and rebuild it more peaceful and just!
Paris, 24th September 2024

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