Sugitani Gijun
Chief Priest of the Myoho-in Temple, Tendai Buddhism, Japan

[JAPAN - 1942]
In 1968 he was ordained head priest of the Enju-in temple of Tendai Buddhism.
In 1999 he became general secretary of Religions for Peace Japan, of which he would become president in 2012.
In 2005 he was appointed Supreme Adviser of the Tendai Buddhist Denomination and in 2009 Chairman of the Taisho University Council.
September 11 2023 16:00 | Humboldt Carrè
Forum 14 - Interreligious dialogue: an asset for global peace

September 7 2014 17:00 | Stadsschouwburg
Opening Assembly

• Peace is a Workshop open to All: the Contribution of Religions
EN | IT | NL
October 5 2010 09:30 | Museu Picasso
Panel 22 - The “Weak Strenght” of Prayer

• Barcelona 2010 - Intervention of Gijun SUGITANI
September 7 2009 16:30 | Słowacki Theatre
Panel 12 - John Paul II and the „Spirit of Assisi”

• Contribution
November 17 2008 16:30 | Hilton Cyprus - Achera Hall
Panel 13 - Monasticism in the 21st Century

• Gijun Sugitani