Bartholomew I
Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople

[1940, Imvros, TURKEY]
He has been the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople since 1991.
Aa an authoritative representative of the Orthodox Christian world, he works tirelessly for reconciliation between the Christian Churches. On an international level, he has acquired a particular prestige in promoting an awareness and a practice that respects the environment. He consecrated September 1st as the Day of Prayer for Creation.
He has had many meetings with Pope Francis. In April 2016, together with the Archbishop of Athens and all of Greece Ieronimos, they visited the Moria camp on the island of Lesbos to raise public awareness on the refugee problem.
In 2020 they took part in the International Meeting of Prayer for Peace on the Capitol Hill in Rome, organised by the Community of Sant’Egidio.
(October 2021)
October 20 2020 16:20 | Basilica dell'Aracoeli
Christian Ecumenical Prayer

• Introduzione di Bartolomeo I
September 19 2016 17:00 | Sacro Convento, Sala Papale
PANEL 13: Bartholomew: 25 Years at the Service of Christians and the World

• Speech of Bartolomeo I
IT | EN | ES
September 20 2016 16:00 | Lower Basilica of St. Francis
Ecumenical Prayer Of Christians

• Meditation of Bartolomeo I
IT | EN | FR
September 20 2016 17:15 | St. Francis' Square
Closing Ceremony

• Speech of Bartolomeo I
IT | EN | FR | DE | ES | PT