St. Francis' Square
September 20 2016 17:15
Closing Ceremony

Domenico Sorrentino
Archbishop of Assisi
Mauro Gambetti
Custodian of the Sacred Convent of Assisi, Italy
Andrea Riccardi
Historian, Founder of the Community of Sant'Egidio
Tamar Mikalli
Witness, Syria
Bartholomew I
Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople
David Brodman
Rabbi, Israel
Din Syamsuddin
President, Center tor Dialogue and Cooperation among Civilizations, Indonesia
Koei Morikawa
Patriarch of the Tendai Buddhism, Japan
Discorso di
September 20 2016 18:00
Reading of an Appeal for Peace to be handed over to children of various nations

September 20 2016 18:10
Moment of silence in memory of the victims of war
September 20 2016 18:15
Signing of the Appeal for Peace and lighting of two candelabra

September 20 2016 18:20
Exchange of a sign of peace