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Abu al-Qasim al-Dibaji

World Organization of Pan-lslamic Jurisprudence, Kowert
In the current world, there is a lot of hatred and division, whether between different communities or even within the same community, a hatred built on ignorance and selfishness that leads to the division of people based on national, racial, or religious grounds. This hatred has even escalated to wars, destruction, and the killing of human beings, which is forbidden by God. In the midst of these dangerous issues, it is our role as religious men and responsible individuals to pray, supplicate, and explain their philosophy, as a deep and powerful practice that transcends cultural and religious barriers, allowing individuals to communicate spiritually and envision a world free from hatred and division. When individuals and communities come together for prayer, supplication, and invocation, they create a positive energy that transcends geographical boundaries, promoting compassion and mercy among worshipers, touching the minds and hearts of people worldwide in an attempt to create a more compassionate, loving, and harmonious world free from resentment and hatred.
Prayer is not just words spoken or actions performed routinely, but a real and deep reminder of eternal life in the afterlife. It is a constant reminder that this world is temporary and transient, enhancing in the hearts of believers the ability to overcome the desires and evils of the self, helping them control the tendencies of evil that may creep into their hearts. Through this deep understanding, a person finds themselves liberated from the constraints of worldly desires, feeling pure love and inner peace that makes them see all people with eyes of mercy and affection, sensing the presence of God in every detail of their life, rising above feelings of hatred and animosity.
God has enjoined prayer in all religions because it is the link that connects the servant with their Lord. It is a prevalent concept among all peoples that reinforces the sovereignty of God. Despite the differences in the forms of prayer among religions, the common denominator is the pursuit of achieving spiritual communication and inner peace, a means of expressing faith, gratitude, and seeking divine assistance in various aspects of life. A strong relationship with God is the foundation of true success in this worldly life and in the hereafter. It is like a pure spring that cleanses a person from impurities and moral blemishes. The impact of prayer and its reformative role does not stop at the boundaries of individual prayer circles but extends beyond. 
This does not apply to superficial prayer empty of its mental, emotional, and spiritual content, as it is known that everything in the world has an outward and inward aspect. Regardless of the different forms of prayer in various religions, their essence is the same; it is a belief, remembrance, and supplication. Supplication is the invocation to God through asking, seeking His help, desiring the good that He possesses, and imploring Him to achieve the desired and be saved from what is feared.
In The essence of true inward prayer that stems from a sincere and devoted heart to Allah, the Exalted, seek to reach the purpose of their human existence. Prayer is the Pegasus and luminous path that ascends us to God. If prayer is hollow and done without realizing its secret and inner rank, then the praying person is also a superficial human. The true measure of humanity and its reality is the genuine ascension to the  pinnacle of perfection, arriving at the door of God through the ladder of prayer. To clarify, we say that prayer is divided into two types: the symbolic outward prayer, manifested in actions, words, and liturgies through which the servant connects with the Creator and the principle of perfection, returning to the original abode. As for the essence of prayer, it is its secret and inner self, the truth that lies behind all these acts of worship, manifesting and appearing in another world.
The intellectual evidence that prayer has truth and secrets is that everything in the world has an external appearance and an internal meaning. The great philosophers have mentioned that every existing thing has an ideal existence above this world, and above every ideal existence, there is a mental existence in another world. These three known worlds (the world of nature, the world of the ideal, and the world of the mind) are vertically arranged worlds, so every action a person takes, whether good or bad, will have a reality that appears in another world on the Day of Judgment when human actions materialize. Therefore, we say that the purpose of prayer in this world is to reach those depths and truths. This leads us to ask the question, what is truth?
The truth, as explained by philosophers, is the truth and accuracy attributed to the mental issue, which is the perception that matches reality. As for metaphor, it is a language that means trespassing and going beyond, and in terminology, it is diverting the word from its apparent meaning to a meaning implied by context. That is, the word is intended to convey a meaning other than its literal meaning but one indirectly related to the literal meaning, and the metaphor is one of the rhetorical means that is frequently used in expression, not intended to deceive but used to give increase and emphasis in meaning.
prayer, spiritually and philosophically: It is words and phrases repeated by the supplicant and when the heart joins the tongue in harmony, and the soul vibrates with the prayer, it will have a high moral and spiritual significance as if one has placed oneself under a bright light and feels the preciousness of the essence of humanity. At that moment, one realizes their closeness to God and is filled with dignity. Prayer is both a seeking and being sought, a means and an end, an introduction, and a result. Therefore, the supplicants of God pay great attention to it, presenting their requests and wishes to their beloved without feeling tired or burdened. Each person has a way from their heart to God, even the most miserable, when faced with trials and the cessation of means, they automatically turn to the Almighty. This is instinctive and ingrained within humanity from the moment of creation however sin could veil it at times.
Prayer in human language: When a person is afflicted with calamities and trials, and the doors are closed in front of them, and the reasons and means are cut off, we see them instinctively and involuntarily turning to God, supplicating to Him to lift their afflictions and calamities. This kind of turning is not considered perfection; rather, even in prosperity and moments of tranquility, one must be convinced that everything is from God and that He is capable of taking it away. So, one should turn to their Lord with a humble soul, supplicating to Him to maintain His blessings upon them, increase His grace, keep them away from disobedience, and express gratitude towards Him. Undoubtedly, this kind of spiritual elevation and openness is considered a human perfection.
It is said that prayer does not aim at mere empty external words. Prayer - in its essence - represents the valuable meanings that crystallize within the supplicant. It follows a deep connection to the divine self, the complete devotion for His existence, then the return to the world of matter to fulfill the mission of the higher spirit, the spirit of justice, truth, and honesty, and thus liberation from all forms of servitude. You see in their spirit purity, tenderness, and love for everyone around them regardless of their gender, color, race, or religion. They see all of creation in the eyes of God as all being servants of God and as brothers in this world. You see a smile in their life, gentleness in their speech, kindness in their interactions, and their heart rises above hatred and resentment.
Since supplication is a spiritual and heartfelt act, it cannot be confined by any time, place, form, or language. Through the power of supplication, we can bring energy, light, true success, and salvation to humanity. This is what God has promised us. Therefore, we say that there is only one way to overcome the major challenges of our time, a path that can lead us to salvation and deliver us from the world of hatred and conflicts. It is the path of God Almighty, drawing closer to Him, obeying His commands and prohibitions, purifying souls and hearts, spreading peace, harmony, and mercy among human beings.