Impagliazzo Marco
Historian, President of the Community of Sant’Egidio

September 24 2024 18:00 | Parvis Notre-Dame
• Speech of Marco ImpagliazzoEN | DE | FR | ES | IT
September 12 2023 10:30 | Axica Convention Center
Forum 19 - The Audacity of Peace
• Marco Impagliazzo: In Berlin we questioned ourselves on how to build peace in many different parts of the world where peace is threatened by war. We are all bound by a common destiny, and therefore the responsibility to make this world better can only growIT | EN | DE | FR
September 17 2019 20:00 | Almudena Square
Final Ceremony

• Speech of Marco Impagliazzo
IT | EN | ES | FR | DE | PT
September 16 2019 10:00 | Seminario Conciliar de Madrid, Aula Magna
Panel 7 - The Mediterranean: Living Together is Possible

October 16 2018 19:00 | Piazza Maggiore
Closing Ceremony

• Speech of Marco Impagliazzo
IT | EN | FR | PT | DE
September 18 2016 10:30 | Basilica Superiore di San Francesco
Eucharistic Celebration
In the presence of the representatives of the Christian Churches and Ecclesial Communities

• Saluto di Marco Impagliazzo alla Celebrazione Eucaristica di Assisi
IT | ES | DE
September 20 2016 13:00 | Sacred Convent
Luncheon together in the refectory of the Sacred Convent, along with a number of victims of war
Dr Marco Impagliazzo, President of the Sant’Egidio Community, will announce the 25th anniversary of the Patriarchate of His Holiness Bartholomew I
• Saluto di Marco Impagliazzo, all’inizio del pranzo nel Sacro Convento di AssisiSeptember 11 2012 19:00 | Centre of Sarajevo
Final Ceremony
Final Addresses - Testimonies - Reading, signing and delivery of the Appeal for Peace 2012

September 10 2012 09:30 | Sarajevo National Theatre
PANEL 1 - Love for the Poor, the Path to Ecumenism

September 6 2009 10:00 | Sanctuary of the Divine Mercy
Eucharistic Celebration
The Celebration will be accompanied by the performances of: The Mixed Choir of the Sanctuary of the Divine Mercy in Cracow, The Psalmodic Choir of the Pontifical University John Paul II in Cracow, The Student Orchestra of the Academy of Music in Cracow, directors: Krzysztof and Julia Michałek

• Saluto
September 7 2009 09:30 | Filharmonia Krakowska
Panel 2 - Memory and Prophecy: the Legacy of John Paul II