FriedenFriedensgebetPeace Meeting Antwerpen 2014Peace Meeting Tirana 2015

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Die videos der veranstaltung

17 September 2014 | dauer: 07:30

Reportage: la rencontre pour la paix à Anvers 2014

17 September 2014 | dauer: 01:41

Priére inter-religieuse pour la paix en Côte d’Ivoire. Peace is the Future 2014

15 September 2014 | dauer: 1:14:21

Cerimonia Finale - Peace is the Future 2014 - (IT)

13 September 2014 | dauer: 1:28:41

Final Ceremony - Peace is the Future 2014 (EN)

11 September 2014 | dauer: 02:13

Come costruire la pace? Intervista a Marco Impagliazzo - #peaceisthefuture 2014

11 September 2014 | dauer: 14:43

Press conference with Andrea Riccardi #peaceisthefuture 2014

11 September 2014 | dauer: 00

Youth for Peace in Ypres to remember World War I

11 September 2014 | dauer: 00

Assemblea di Apertura - Peace is the Future 2014 - PLAYLIST (IT-EN)

9 September 2014 | dauer: 00

PANEL 23: Youth and Elderly - Peace is the Future 2014 - PLAYLIST (IT-EN)

9 September 2014 | dauer: 00

PANEL 21: Iraq: What Future? - PLAYLIST (IT-EN)

9 September 2014 | dauer: 29:09

Panel 1: Religions and Violence - Peace is the Future 2014 - PLAYLIST (IT-EN)

8 September 2014 | dauer: 00

PANEL 14: Art between conflicts and peace - Peace is the Future 2014 - PLAYLIST (IT-EN)

8 September 2014 | dauer: 07:26

PANEL 15 - Nigeria: Exiting from the Tunnel of Violence - PLAYLIST (IT-EN)

8 September 2014 | dauer: 04:17

PANEL 6: Seeking Peace - Peace is the Future 2014 - PLAYLIST (IT-EN)

6 September 2014 | dauer: 54

Antwerpen, city of peace

6 September 2014 | dauer: 01:51

100 years from WWI: peace begins from Antwerpen

andere videos
PEACE is the FUTURE. Religioni e Culture in dialogo 100 anni dopo la I Guerra MondialeAntwerpen - 7.-9. September 2014

Friede ist die Zukunft - Religionen und Kulturen im Dialog
100 Jahre nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg

Zum 28. Mal findet da Internationale Friedenstreffen Menschen und Religionen statt,
diesmal vom 7. bis 9. September in Antwerpen/Belgien.

Nach der großen Eröffnungsveranstaltung finden zahlreiche Foren mit den Teilnehmern statt, darunter internationale Vertreter der Religionen, der Zivilgesellschaft und auch der neugewählten europäischen Institutionen. Aktuell brennende Fragen werden dabei diskutiert, beispielsweise: Religionen und GewaltMärtyrer unserer Zeit, Muslime und Christen - gemeinsam für den Frieden,  Wirtschaft und Dienst am Friedennachhaltige Entwicklung und Armutsbekämpfung. Dabei wird der Blick auch auf besonders schwierige Situationen gelenkt: Nigeria - Ausweg aus dem Tunnel der GewaltIrak - welche Zukunft?

Bei der Schlussveranstaltung am 9. September auf dem wunderschönen Marktplatz von Antwerpen
wird der Friedensappell der Weltreligionen verkündet.

Hier finden Sie das vollständige Programm der drei Tage mit interaktiven Angaben zu den Veranstaltungsorten, Die Veranstaltung wird in mehreren Sprachen auf Youtube übertragen.





Vertreter der christlichen Kirchen und Gemeinschaften sind anwesend.


Johan Jozef Bonny

Katholischer Bischof, Belgien


Ignatius Aphrem II

Syrisch-orthodoxer Patriarch von Antiochien und dem ganzen Orient




Hilde Kieboom

Gemeinschaft Sant’Egidio, Belgien


Kris Peeters

Co-Formateur of the Federal Government of Belgium


Andrea Riccardi

Historiker, Gründer der Gemeinschaft Sant'Egidio

Zygmunt Bauman

Schriftsteller, Polen

Herman Van Rompuy

Präsident des Europäischen Rates


Der Friede ist eine Baustelle, die allen offen steht: Der Beitrag der Religionen

Ignatius Aphrem II

Syrisch-orthodoxer Patriarch von Antiochien und dem ganzen Orient





Marc Stenger

Bischof von Troyes, katholische Kirche, Frankreich


Muhammad Abdul Khabir Azad

Groß-Imam der Moschee von Lahore, Pakistan

Paul Bhatti

President of the Alliance of All Minorities in Pakistan

Samir Franjieh

Maronit, Ehem. Parlamentsabgeordneter, Libanon

Abdul Majeed Al-Najjar

Mitglied der Verfassunggebenden Versammlung, Tunesien

Domenico Quirico

Journalist von “La Stampa”, Italien

Jerry White

Department of State, USA




David Rosen

Rabbiner, Sonderberater des Hauses der abrahamitischen Familie (AFH) von Abu Dhabi, Israel


Christophe de Margerie

Präsident CEO von TOTAL, Frankreich

Augusto Forti

Stellvertretender Vorsitzender von Ideasolidarité, Italien

Mauro Gambetti

Kustos des "Sacred Convent" von Assisi, Italien

Jeffrey D. Sachs

Columbia University, Sonderberater des UN-Generalsekretärs, USA





Michel Camdessus

Ehrengouverneur der Bank von Frankreich


Martin Junge

Secretary General of the Lutheran World Federation

Thomas Leysen

Chairman of KBC and Umicore, Belgium

Katherine Marshall

Vizepräsidentin G20 Interfaith Association, USA

Antonio Tajani

Stellvertretender Ministerpräsident, Minister für Außenbeziehungen und internationale Zusammenarbeit, Italien




Ambrogio Spreafico

Katholischer Bischof, Italien


Antoine Guggenheim

“Collèges des Bernardins”, Frankreich

Albert Guigui

Oberrabbiner von Brüssel, Belgien

Jürgen Johannesdotter

Lutherischer Bischof, Deutschland

Koichi Kawamoto

Director of the Academic Research Institute of Rissho Kosei Kai, Japan

Serafim Joanta

Orthodoxer Metropolit, Patriarchat von Rumänien




Matteo Zuppi

Kardinal, Erzbischof von Bologna und Vorsitzender der italienischen Bischofskonferenz


Sayyed Mohammad Ali Abtahi

Präsident des Instituts für interreligiösen Dialog, Iran

Abdullah Demirbaş

The People’s Democratic Party, Turkey

Sarra Fadika

Vicepresidente dell’Assemblea Nazionale, Costa d’Avorio

Lea Koyassoum Doumta

Vice-President of the Parliament, Central African Republic

Slaheddine Jourchi

Journalist und Menschenrechtsaktivist, Tunesien

Al-Hajj Murad Ebrahim

Präsident der Moro Islamischen Befreiungsfront, Philippinen




Agostino Giovagnoli

Historiker, Gemeinschaft Sant’Egidio, Italien


Said Aqil Siroj

President of the Board of “Nahdlatul Ulama”, Indonesia

Haruhiko Hioki

Scintoism Jinja Honcho, Japan

Gensho Hozumi

Rinzai-Zen-Buddhismus, Japan

Jakushun Kinoshita

President of the Tendai Buddhist Denomination, Japan

Noriaki Nagao

Representative of Tenrikyo Headquarters, Japan

Masahiro Sato

Director of Intercultural Research Institute of Meiji Jingu, Japan

Syuhud Sahudi Marsudi

Präsident von Nahdlatul Ulama, Indonesien




John Olorunfemi Onaiyekan

Kardinal, Erzbischof von Abuja, Nigeria


Jesus Delgado

Generalvikar des Erzbistums San Salvador, El Salvador

Dionysius Jean Kawak

Orthodoxer Erzbischof, syrisch-orthodoxe Kirche

Angelo Romano

Rektor der Basilika St. Bartholomäus auf der Tiberinsel, Gedenkort der neuen Märtyrer, Italien

Brian C. Stiller

Botschafter der Weltweiten Evangelischen Allianz, Kanada

Virgil Bercea

Griechisch-katholischer Bischof, Rumänien




Johan Jozef Bonny

Katholischer Bischof, Belgien


Ignatius Aphrem II

Syrisch-orthodoxer Patriarch von Antiochien und dem ganzen Orient


Orthodoxer Metropolit, Ökumenisches Patriarchat

Richard Chartres

Anglikanischer Bischof in London, Großbritanien

Martin Junge

Secretary General of the Lutheran World Federation


Orthodoxer Metropolit, Moskauer Patriarchat


Metropolit von Trimithous, Orthodoxe Kirche in Zypern




Leon Lemmens

Weihbischof von Mechelen-Brüssel, katholische Kirche, Belgien


Zygmunt Bauman

Schriftsteller, Polen

Bernhard Felmberg

Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche zusammenarbeit und entwicklung (BMZ), Deutschland

Vivian Liska

Director of the Center for Jewish Studies, Belgium

Mario Morcone

Assessor für Legalität, Sicherheit und Immigration der Region Kampanien, Italien

Daniela Pompei

Gemeinschaft Sant’Egidio, Italien

Paul Scheffer

University of Tilburg, Netherlands




Ambrogio Spreafico

Katholischer Bischof, Italien


Jawad Al-Khoei

Generalsekretär des Al-Khoei Instituts, Irak

Klaus Krämer

Präsident von missio in Aachen, Deutschland

Paulo Lockmann

Weltrat Methodistischer Kirchen

Siti Musdah Mulia

Repräsentantin der “Indonesischen Konfernez für Religion und Frieden”

Jerzy Norel

Generalvikar der Franziskaner-Konventualen

David Rosen

Rabbiner, Sonderberater des Hauses der abrahamitischen Familie (AFH) von Abu Dhabi, Israel




Antonio Ferrari

Journalist, Corriere della Sera, Italien


Daniel Deckers

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Deutschland

Ira N. Forman

Department of State, USA

M'hamed Krichen

Journalist von Al-Jazeera, Tunesien

Vincent Montagne

President of “Groupe Media Participation”, France

Jean-Claude Petit

Journalist und Autor, Frankreich

Rudi Vranckx

Journalist of “VRT”, Belgium




Jaume Castro

Gemeinschaft Sant’Egidio, Spanien


Jaron Engelmayer

Oberrabbiner von Wien, Österreich

Robert Innes

Anglikanischer Bischof für Europa


Orthodoxer Metropolit, Patriarchat von Rumänien

Juvénal Nzosaba

Union of Baptist Churches in Burundi

Valérie Régnier

Gemeinschaft Sant’Egidio, Frankreich

Laurent Ulrich

Katholischer Erzbischof von Paris, Frankreich





Jan De Volder

Gemeinschaft Sant’Egidio, Belgien


Muhammad Ashafa

Imam, Interfaith Mediation Centre, Nigeria

Ignatius Ayau Kaigama

Katholischer Erzbischof, Nigeria

James Wuye

Pastor und Koordinator des Interfaith Mediation Centre, Nigeria





Guy Harpigny

Katholischer Bischof, Belgien



Orthodoxer Bischof, serbisches Patriarchat

Raphael Cohen-Almagor

University of Hull, United Kingdom

Jean-Pierre Denis

Direktor von La Vie, Frankreich

Vincenzo Paglia

Katholischer Erzbischof, Präsident der Päpstlichen Akademie für das Leben, Heiliger Stuhl


FORUM: Die Kultur des Zusammenlebens

Aufnahmezentrum für Flüchtlinge des Roten Kreuzes - Teilnahme mit vorheriger Registrierung im Sekretariat


Hendrik Hoet

Community of Sant’Egidio, Belgium


Ahmed Azzouz

Inspector for the Islamic religion, Belgium

Tamara Chikunova

Aktivistin gegen die Todesstrafe, Usbekistan

Lisa Palmieri - Billig

American Jewish Committee, USA

Raj Kumar Srivastava

Zentrum für Gesellschaftsentwicklung, Indien





Cornelio Sommaruga

Ehemaliger Präsident des Internationalen Komitees vom Roten Kreuz


Vinko Puljic

Kardinal, Erzbischof von Vrhbosna-Sarajevo

Eugenio Bernardini

Moderator der Waldenser-Tafel, Italien

Richard Chartres

Anglikanischer Bischof in London, Großbritanien

Mario Marazziti

Gemeinschaft Sant'Egidio, Italien

Jan Wouters

Universität Löwen, Belgien




Crescenzio Sepe

Kardinal, Erzbischof von Neapel, Italien


Philippe Ouédraogo

Cardinale, Arcivescovo di Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

Avichai Apel

Rabbiner der Jüdischen Gemeinde Frankfurt/Main, Deutschland

François Clavairoly

Präsident der Protestantischen Föderation Frankreichs

Bagrat Galstanyan

Orthodox Bishop, Armenian Church

Karl Hinrich Manzke

Evangelisch-lutherischer Bischof, Deutschland




Pierre Morel

Director of “Pharos Observatory. Cultural & religious pluralism”, France



Orthodoxer Metropolit, Kirche von Griechenland

Jean-Arnold de Clermont

Pastor, Reformierte Kirche von Frankreich

Patrick H. Daly

Secretary General of COMECE

Jonan Fernandez Erdocia

Secretary General for Peace and Coexistence of the Basque Government, Spain

Ursula Männle

President of the “Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung”, Germany




Mario Giro

Gemeinschaft Sant’Egidio


Louis Raphaël I Sako

Patriarch von Babylon der Chaldäer, Irak

Jawad Al-Khoei

Generalsekretär des Al-Khoei Instituts, Irak

Vian Dakheel

Yazidi Community, member of the Parliament, Iraq

Anwar Hadaya

Ninivah Provincial Council, Iraq

Kamal Muslim

Minister für religiöse Angelegenheiten, Kurdistan

Joseph Yacoub

Catholic University of Lyon, France




Michel Santier

Katholischer Erzbischof, Frankreich


Mohammed Achaibi

Vice-presidente dell’Esecutivo dei Musulmani del Belgio

Joachim Gnilka

Katholischer Theologe, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München

Syuhud Sahudi Marsudi

Präsident von Nahdlatul Ulama, Indonesien

Jean Mbarga

Katholischer Erzbischof, Kamerun

Anders Wejryd

Europäischer Präsident des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen

Oded Wiener

Oberabbinat von Israel




Angelo Scelzo

Vice-Director of the Holy See Press Office


Elard Alumando

Community of Sant’Egidio, Malawi

David Brodman

Oberrabbiner von Savyon, Israel

Stefan Dartmann

Hauptgeschäftsführer von Renovabis, Deutschland

Aleksandra Kania

Soziologin, Polen

Abdelfattah Mourou

Erster Vizepräsident des Parlaments, Tunesien




Marco Gnavi

Gemeinschaft Sant’Egidio, Italien


Isak Haleve

Oberrabbiner der Türkei


Orthodoxer Metropolit, Patriarchat von Rumänien

Benoit Standaert

Benedictine monk, Belgium

Tep Vong

Buddhistischer Patriarch des Königreichs Kambodscha

Sjirk Van Der Zee

Protestant Pastor, Netherlands

Olav Fykse Tveit

Bischof, Präsident des Rates der Kirchen, Norwegen




Vittorio Ianari

Gemeinschaft Sant’Egidio


Paul Poupard

Kardinal, Heiliger Stuhl

Anwar Ibrahim

Mitglied des Parlaments, Malaysia

Mohammed Esslimani

Muslimischer Theologe, Saudi-Arabien

Guirguis Ibrahim Saleh

Koptisch-orthodoxer Intellektueller, Ägypten

Faisal Bin Muaammar

Generalsekretär von KAICIID, Saudiarabien

Felix Anthony Machado

Katholischer Erzbischof, Indien

Muhammad Khalid Masud

Mitglied des Obersten Gerichtshofs, Pakistan




an verschiedenen Orten nach der religiösen Tradition


Ignatius Aphrem II

Syrisch-orthodoxer Patriarch von Antiochien und dem ganzen Orient

Olav Fykse Tveit

Bischof, Präsident des Rates der Kirchen, Norwegen



Von den Gebetsorten zur Bühne auf dem Grote Markt




Johan Jozef Bonny

Katholischer Bischof, Belgien

Antonio Tajani

Stellvertretender Ministerpräsident, Minister für Außenbeziehungen und internationale Zusammenarbeit, Italien

Andrea Riccardi

Historiker, Gründer der Gemeinschaft Sant'Egidio

Rita Prigmore

Sintezza, Überlebende des Nationalsozialismus

Lea Koyassoum Doumta

Vice-President of the Parliament, Central African Republic

Al-Hajj Murad Ebrahim

Präsident der Moro Islamischen Befreiungsfront, Philippinen

Lucjan Avgustini

Katholischer Bischof, Albanien


This page is also available in italiano, english, castellano, français, nederlands

Youth from all over Europe visiting the war cemetery of Tyne Cot near Ypres, the front line of World War 1 #peaceisthefuture
Youth from all over Europe visiting the war cemetery of Tyne Cot near Ypres, the front line of World War 1 #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
Youth from all over Europe visiting the war cemetery of Tyne Cot near Ypres, the front line of World War 1 #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
Youth from all over Europe visiting the war cemetery of Tyne Cot near Ypres, the front line of World War 1 #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Panel 2: Sustainable Development and Fight against Poverty in 21st Century
Panel 2: Sustainable Development and Fight against Poverty in 21st Century
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
Panel 2: Sustainable Development and Fight against Poverty in 21st Century
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
Panel 2: Sustainable Development and Fight against Poverty in 21st Century
Panel 2: Sustainable Development and Fight against Poverty in 21st Century
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
Panel 2: Sustainable Development and Fight against Poverty in 21st Century
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
PANEL 4: Economy in the service of Peace
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PANEL 4: Economy in the service of Peace
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PANEL 3: Religious and Secular Believers in a Globalised World
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PANEL 5: The Believer, a person who experiences friendship
PANEL 5: The Believer, a person who experiences friendship
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PANEL 5: The Believer, a person who experiences friendship
PANEL 5: The Believer, a person who experiences friendship
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PANEL 8: Martyrs in Our Times
PANEL 7: Asia, religions and the dignity of human life
PANEL 6: Seeking Peace
PANEL 6: Seeking Peace
PANEL 8: Martyrs in Our Times
PANEL 7: Asia, religions and the dignity of human life
PANEL 6: Seeking Peace
Peace is the Future - La Habana, Cuba 9 settembre 2014
Peace is the Future - La Habana, Cuba 9 settembre 2014
Peace is the Future - La Habana, Cuba 9 settembre 2014
Peace is the Future - La Habana, Cuba 9 settembre 2014
Peace is the Future - La Habana, Cuba 9 settembre 2014
Peace is the Future - La Habana, Cuba 9 settembre 2014
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
Youth from all over Europe visiting the war cemetery of Tyne Cot near Ypres, the front line of World War 1 #peaceisthefuture
Youth from all over Europe visiting the war cemetery of Tyne Cot near Ypres, the front line of World War 1 #peaceisthefuture
Youth from all over Europe visiting the war cemetery of Tyne Cot near Ypres, the front line of World War 1 #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
Youth from all over Europe visiting the war cemetery of Tyne Cot near Ypres, the front line of World War 1 #peaceisthefuture
Youth from all over Europe visiting the war cemetery of Tyne Cot near Ypres, the front line of World War 1 #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
Youth from all over Europe visiting the war cemetery of Tyne Cot near Ypres, the front line of World War 1 #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Photogallery del panel
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
Photogallery del panel
Photogallery del panel
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
Photogallery del panel
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
Photogallery del panel
Panel 2: Sustainable Development and Fight against Poverty in 21st Century
Photogallery del panel
Panel 2: Sustainable Development and Fight against Poverty in 21st Century
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PANEL 4: Economy in the service of Peace
PANEL 5: The Believer, a person who experiences friendship
PANEL 4: Economy in the service of Peace
PANEL 4: Economy in the service of Peace
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PANEL 5: The Believer, a person who experiences friendship
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PANEL 5: The Believer, a person who experiences friendship
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PANEL 6: Seeking Peace
PANEL 8: Martyrs in Our Times
PANEL 6: Seeking Peace
PANEL 8: Martyrs in Our Times
PANEL 6: Seeking Peace
PANEL 8: Martyrs in Our Times
PANEL 8: Martyrs in Our Times
PANEL 8: Martyrs in Our Times
PANEL 6: Seeking Peace
Peace is the Future - La Habana, Cuba 9 settembre 2014
Peace is the Future - La Habana, Cuba 9 settembre 2014
Peace is the Future - La Habana, Cuba 9 settembre 2014
Peace is the Future - La Habana, Cuba 9 settembre 2014
Peace is the Future - La Habana, Cuba 9 settembre 2014
Peace is the Future - La Habana, Cuba 9 settembre 2014