PacePreghiera per la paceAntwerpenPeace Meeting Antwerpen 2014Peace Meeting Tirana 2015

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I video dell'evento

17 Settembre 2014 | durata: 07:30

Reportage: la rencontre pour la paix à Anvers 2014

17 Settembre 2014 | durata: 01:41

Priére inter-religieuse pour la paix en Côte d’Ivoire. Peace is the Future 2014

15 Settembre 2014 | durata: 1:14:21

Cerimonia Finale - Peace is the Future 2014 - (IT)

13 Settembre 2014 | durata: 1:28:41

Final Ceremony - Peace is the Future 2014 (EN)

11 Settembre 2014 | durata: 02:13

Come costruire la pace? Intervista a Marco Impagliazzo - #peaceisthefuture 2014

11 Settembre 2014 | durata: 14:43

Press conference with Andrea Riccardi #peaceisthefuture 2014

11 Settembre 2014 | durata: 00

Youth for Peace in Ypres to remember World War I

11 Settembre 2014 | durata: 00

Assemblea di Apertura - Peace is the Future 2014 - PLAYLIST (IT-EN)

9 Settembre 2014 | durata: 00

PANEL 23: Youth and Elderly - Peace is the Future 2014 - PLAYLIST (IT-EN)

9 Settembre 2014 | durata: 00

PANEL 21: Iraq: What Future? - PLAYLIST (IT-EN)

9 Settembre 2014 | durata: 29:09

Panel 1: Religions and Violence - Peace is the Future 2014 - PLAYLIST (IT-EN)

8 Settembre 2014 | durata: 00

PANEL 14: Art between conflicts and peace - Peace is the Future 2014 - PLAYLIST (IT-EN)

8 Settembre 2014 | durata: 07:26

PANEL 15 - Nigeria: Exiting from the Tunnel of Violence - PLAYLIST (IT-EN)

8 Settembre 2014 | durata: 04:17

PANEL 6: Seeking Peace - Peace is the Future 2014 - PLAYLIST (IT-EN)

6 Settembre 2014 | durata: 54

Antwerpen, city of peace

6 Settembre 2014 | durata: 01:51

100 years from WWI: peace begins from Antwerpen

altri video

PEACE is the FUTURE. Religioni e Culture in dialogo 100 anni dopo la I Guerra Mondiale Peace is the Future: Religioni e Culture in Dialogo,
100 anni dopo la Prima Guerra Mondiale

Anversa, 7-9 settembre 2014 

Leggi l'APPELLO DI PACE 2014
IT | EN | ES | FR | NL

Tutti i testi e gli oratori
ordinati per oratore

(I testi sono in corso di pubblicazione. Si prega di controllare gli aggiornamenti. Grazie) 




Celebrazione Eucaristica

Alla presenza dei rappresentati delle Chiese cristiane e delle Comunità ecclesiali.


Johan Jozef Bonny

Vescovo cattolico, Belgio


Ignatius Aphrem II

Patriarca siro ortodosso di Antiochia e di Tutto l'Oriente




Hilde Kieboom

Comunità di Sant’Egidio, Belgio

Saluto di benvenuto

Kris Peeters

Co-formatore del Governo Federale, Belgio


Andrea Riccardi

Storico, fondatore della Comunità di Sant’Egidio

Zygmunt Bauman

Sociologo e filosofo, Polonia

Herman Van Rompuy

Presidente del Consiglio Europeo



Vian Dakheel

Comunità yazida, membro del Parlamento, Iraq

La pace è un cantiere aperto a tutti: il contributo delle religioni

Ignatius Aphrem II

Patriarca siro ortodosso di Antiochia e di Tutto l'Oriente

Gijun Sugitani

Capo sacerdote del Tempio Myoho-in, Buddismo Tendai, Giappone






Muhammad Abdul Khabir Azad

Grande imam della moschea di Lahore, Pakistan

Paul Bhatti

Presidente dell' "Alleanza delle Minoranze", Pakistan

Samir Franjieh

Politico e Intellettuale, Libano

Abdul Majeed Al-Najjar

Membro dell'Assemblea Costituente, Tunisia

Domenico Quirico

Giornalista e scrittore, Italia

Jerry White

Dipartimento di Stato, USA




David Rosen

Rabbino, consigliere speciale della Casa della Famiglia Abramitica (AFH) di Abu Dhabi, Israele

Christophe de Margerie

Presidente e direttore generale di TOTAL, Francia

Augusto Forti

Vice Presidente di Ideasolidarité, Italia

Jeffrey D. Sachs

Columbia University, consigliere speciale del Segretario generale ONU





Michel Camdessus

Governatore onorario della Banca di Francia


Martin Junge

Segretario generale della Federazione Luterana Mondiale (LWF)

Thomas Leysen

Presidente di “KBC e Umicore”, Belgio

Katherine Marshall

Vice Presidente, G20 Interfaith Association, USA

Antonio Tajani

Vicepresidente del Consiglio, Ministro degli Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale, Italia




Ambrogio Spreafico

Vescovo cattolico, Italia


Antoine Guggenheim

“Collèges des Bernardins”, Francia

Albert Guigui

Rabbino capo di Bruxelles, Belgio

Koichi Kawamoto



Metropolita ortodosso, Patriarcato di Romania




Matteo Zuppi

Cardinale, Arcivescovo di Bologna, Presidente della Conferenza Episcopale Italiana


Mohammad Ali Abtahi

Presidente dell’Istituto per il Dialogo Interreligioso, Iran

Abdullah Demirbaş

Partito Democratico Popolare, Turchia

Sarra Fadika

Vicepresidente dell’Assemblea Nazionale, Costa d’Avorio

Lea Koyassoum Doumta

Vicepresidente del Parlamento, Repubblica Cetranfricana

Slaheddine Jourchi

Giornalista e attivista per i diritti umani, Tunisia

Al-Hajj Murad Ebrahim

Presidente del “Moro Islamic Liberation Front” (MILF), Mindanao, Filippine




Agostino Giovagnoli

Storico, Comunità di Sant’Egidio, Italia


Said Aqil Siroj

Presidente del Consiglio della “Nahdlatul Ulama”, Indonesia

Haruhiko Hioki

Scintoismo Jinja Honcho, Giappone

Gensho Hozumi

Buddismo Rinzai Zen, Giappone

Vidya Jain

Direttore Centro Studi Gandhiani, Università di Rajasthan, India

Jakushun Kinoshita

Presidente della Scuola buddista Tendai, Giappone

Noriaki Nagao

Rappresentante Tenri Kyo, Giappone

Masahiro Sato

Direttore dell’Istituto di Ricerca Interculturale del “Meiji Jingu”, Giappone

Syuhud Sahudi Marsudi

Presidente della “Nahdlatul Ulama”, Indonesia




John Olorunfemi Onaiyekan

Cardinale, Arcivescovo di Abuja, Nigeria


Jesus Delgado

Vicario generale della diocesi di San Salvador, El Salvador

Dionysius Jean Kawak

Arcivescovo ortodosso, Chiesa sira

Angelo Romano

Rettore della Basilica di San Bartolomeo all'Isola di Roma, Santuario dei Nuovi Martiri, Italia

Brian C. Stiller

Global Ambassador della Alleanza Evangelica mondiale, USA

Virgil Bercea

Vescovo greco-cattolico, Romania




Johan Jozef Bonny

Vescovo cattolico, Belgio



Metropolita ortodosso, Patriarcato Ecumenico

Richard Chartres

Vescovo anglicano di Londra, Regno Unito

Martin Junge

Segretario generale della Federazione Luterana Mondiale (LWF)


Metropolita ortodosso, Patriarcato di Mosca




Leon Lemmens

Vescovo cattolico, Belgio


Zygmunt Bauman

Sociologo e filosofo, Polonia

Bernhard Felmberg

Ministero per la Cooperazione Economica e lo Sviluppo, Germania

Vivian Liska

Direttore del Centro Studi Ebraici, Belgio

Mario Morcone

Prefetto, Assessore alla Legalità, Sicurezza, Immigrazione della Regione Campania, Italia

Daniela Pompei

Comunità di Sant’Egidio, Italia

Paul Scheffer

Università di Tilburg, Olanda





Jawad Al-Khoei

Segretario generale del “Al-Khoei Institute”, Iraq

Klaus Krämer


Paulo Lockmann

Consiglio Metodista Mondiale, Brasile

Siti Musdah Mulia

Rappresentante della “Conferenza Indonesiana delle Religioni per la Pace”

Jerzy Norel

Vicario generale dell'Ordine dei Frati Minori Conventuali

David Rosen

Rabbino, consigliere speciale della Casa della Famiglia Abramitica (AFH) di Abu Dhabi, Israele




Antonio Ferrari

Giornalista e saggista, Italia


Daniel Deckers

Giornalista di "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung", Germania

Ira N. Forman

Dipartimento di Stato, USA

M'hamed Krichen

Giornalista di "Al-Jazeera", Tunisia

Vincent Montagne

Presidente, Groupe Media Participation, Francia

Jean-Claude Petit

Giornalista e scrittore, Francia

Rudi Vranckx

Giornalista, VRT, Belgio




Jaume Castro

Comunità di Sant’Egidio, Spagna


Jaron Engelmayer

Rabbino capo di Vienna, Austria

Robert Innes

Vescovo anglicano per l'Europa


Metropolita ortodosso, Patriarcato di Romania

Juvénal Nzosaba

Unione delle Chiese Battiste del Burundi

Valérie Régnier

Comunità di Sant’Egidio, Francia

Laurent Ulrich

Arcivescovo di Parigi, Francia





Jan De Volder

Università Cattolica di Lovanio, Belgio


Muhammad Ashafa

Imam del “Interfaith Mediation Centre”, Nigeria

Marc-Antoine Pérouse de Montclos

Istituto di ricerca per lo sviluppo, Centro per lo sviluppo della popolazione (CEPED), Francia

James Wuye

Pastore del “Interfaith Mediation Centre”, Nigeria




Crescenzio Sepe

Cardinale, Arcivescovo di Napoli, Italia


Khadija Benguenna

Giornalista di “Al Jazeera”, Algeria

Yoshitaka Hatakeyama

Conferenza Asiatica Religioni per la Pace, Giappone

Didi Talwalkar

Leader del Movimento Swadhyaya, India




Guy Harpigny

Vescovo cattolico, Belgio



Vescovo ortodosso, Patriarcato di Serbia

Raphael Cohen-Almagor

Università di Hull, Regno Unito

Vincenzo Paglia

Arcivescovo, Presidente della Pontificia Accademia per la vita, Santa Sede



FORUM: La cultura del vivere insieme

Centro di accoglienza per i rifugiati della Croce Rossa - Per accedere al Centro si prega di registrarsi in precedenza presso la Segreteria dell’Incontro

Centro di accoglienza per i rifugiati della Croce Rossa.

(Per accedere al Centro si prega di registrarsi in precedenza presso la Segreteria dell’Incontro)

leggi tutto...


Hendrik Hoet

Comunità di Sant’Egidio, Belgio


Ahmed Azzouz

Ispettore per la religione islamica, Belgio

Tamara Chikunova

Attivista per i diritti umani, Uzbekistan

Lisa Palmieri - Billig

American Jewish Committee, USA

Raj Kumar Srivastava

Centro di Studi per le Società in Sviluppo, India





Cornelio Sommaruga

Già presidente del Comitato Internazionale della Croce Rossa, Svizzera


Vinko Puljic

Cardinale, arcivescovo di Vrhbosna-Sarajevo, Bosnia e Erzegovina

Eugenio Bernardini

Ex moderatore della Tavola Valdese, Italia

Richard Chartres

Vescovo anglicano di Londra, Regno Unito

Mario Marazziti

Saggista, Comunità di Sant’Egidio, Italia

Jan Wouters

Università di Lovanio, Belgio




Crescenzio Sepe

Cardinale, Arcivescovo di Napoli, Italia


Philippe Ouédraogo

Cardinale, Arcivescovo di Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

Avichai Apel

Rabbino di Francoforte, Germania

François Clavairoly

Presidente della Federazione Protestante di Francia

Bagrat Galstanyan

Primate armeno ortodosso, Patriarcato di Etchmiadzin

Karl Hinrich Manzke

Vescovo luterano, Germania




Pierre Morel

Direttore di “Pharos Observatory, cultura e pluralismo religioso”, Francia



Metropolita ortodosso, Grecia

Jean-Arnold de Clermont

Pastore della Chiesa protestante unita di Francia

Patrick H. Daly

Segretario generale della COMECE

Jonan Fernandez Erdocia

Segretario generale per la pace e la convivenza del Governo Basco, Spagna

Ursula Männle

Presidente della Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung, Germania




Mario Giro

Saggista, Comunità di Sant’Egidio, Italia


Louis Raphaël Sako

Cardinale, Patriarca di Babilonia dei Caldei, Iraq

Jawad Al-Khoei

Segretario generale del “Al-Khoei Institute”, Iraq

Vian Dakheel

Comunità yazida, membro del Parlamento, Iraq

Anwar Hadaya

Consiglio provinciale di Ninive, Iraq

Kamal Muslim

Ministro degli Affari Religiosi, Kurdistan

Joseph Yacoub

Università cattolica di Lione, Francia




Michel Santier

Vescovo cattolico, Francia


Mohammed Achaibi

Vice-presidente dell’Esecutivo dei Musulmani del Belgio

Syuhud Sahudi Marsudi

Presidente della “Nahdlatul Ulama”, Indonesia

Jean Mbarga

Arcivescovo cattolico, Camerun

Anders Wejryd

Copresidente del Consiglio Ecumenico delle Chiese, Svezia




Angelo Scelzo

Vice direttore della Sala Stampa della Santa Sede


Elard Alumando

Comunità di Sant’Egidio, Malawi

David Brodman

Rabbino, Israele

Stefan Dartmann

Presidente di Renovabis, Germania

Aleksandra Kania

Sociologa, Polonia

Abdelfattah Mourou

Primo vicepresidente del Parlamento, Tunisia




Marco Gnavi

Comunità di Sant’Egidio, Italia


Isak Haleve

Rabbino Capo di Turchia


Metropolita ortodosso, Patriarcato di Romania

Benoit Standaert

Monaco benedettino, Belgio

Tep Vong

Patriarca del buddismo cambogiano

Olav Fykse Tveit

Vescovo, Presidente della Conferenza episcopale della Chiesa di Norvegia




Vittorio Ianari

Comunità di Sant’Egidio, Italia


Paul Poupard

Cardinale, Santa Sede

Anwar Ibrahim

Membro del Parlamento, Malesia

Mohammed Esslimani

Teologo, Arabia Saudita

Faisal Bin Muaammar

Segretario Generale del KAICIID, Arabia Saudita

Muhammad Khalid Masud

Membro della Corte Suprema, Pakistan



Preghiera per la pace

in diversi luoghi secondo la tradizione religiosa


Ignatius Aphrem II

Patriarca siro ortodosso di Antiochia e di Tutto l'Oriente

Olav Fykse Tveit

Vescovo, Presidente della Conferenza episcopale della Chiesa di Norvegia


Processione di pace

Dai luoghi di preghiera, in processione verso il palco nella Grote Markt




Antonio Tajani

Vicepresidente del Consiglio, Ministro degli Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale, Italia

Andrea Riccardi

Storico, fondatore della Comunità di Sant’Egidio

Rita Prigmore

Sinta, sopravissuta al Porrajmos

Lea Koyassoum Doumta

Vicepresidente del Parlamento, Repubblica Cetranfricana

Al-Hajj Murad Ebrahim

Presidente del “Moro Islamic Liberation Front” (MILF), Mindanao, Filippine

Lucjan Avgustini

Vescovo cattolico, Albania


Youth from all over Europe visiting the war cemetery of Tyne Cot near Ypres, the front line of World War 1 #peaceisthefuture
Youth from all over Europe visiting the war cemetery of Tyne Cot near Ypres, the front line of World War 1 #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
Youth from all over Europe visiting the war cemetery of Tyne Cot near Ypres, the front line of World War 1 #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
Youth from all over Europe visiting the war cemetery of Tyne Cot near Ypres, the front line of World War 1 #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Panel 2: Sustainable Development and Fight against Poverty in 21st Century
Panel 2: Sustainable Development and Fight against Poverty in 21st Century
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
Panel 2: Sustainable Development and Fight against Poverty in 21st Century
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
Panel 2: Sustainable Development and Fight against Poverty in 21st Century
Panel 2: Sustainable Development and Fight against Poverty in 21st Century
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
Panel 2: Sustainable Development and Fight against Poverty in 21st Century
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
PANEL 4: Economy in the service of Peace
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PANEL 4: Economy in the service of Peace
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PANEL 3: Religious and Secular Believers in a Globalised World
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PANEL 5: The Believer, a person who experiences friendship
PANEL 5: The Believer, a person who experiences friendship
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PANEL 5: The Believer, a person who experiences friendship
PANEL 5: The Believer, a person who experiences friendship
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PANEL 8: Martyrs in Our Times
PANEL 7: Asia, religions and the dignity of human life
PANEL 6: Seeking Peace
PANEL 6: Seeking Peace
PANEL 8: Martyrs in Our Times
PANEL 7: Asia, religions and the dignity of human life
PANEL 6: Seeking Peace
Peace is the Future - La Habana, Cuba 9 settembre 2014
Peace is the Future - La Habana, Cuba 9 settembre 2014
Peace is the Future - La Habana, Cuba 9 settembre 2014
Peace is the Future - La Habana, Cuba 9 settembre 2014
Peace is the Future - La Habana, Cuba 9 settembre 2014
Peace is the Future - La Habana, Cuba 9 settembre 2014
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
Youth from all over Europe visiting the war cemetery of Tyne Cot near Ypres, the front line of World War 1 #peaceisthefuture
Youth from all over Europe visiting the war cemetery of Tyne Cot near Ypres, the front line of World War 1 #peaceisthefuture
Youth from all over Europe visiting the war cemetery of Tyne Cot near Ypres, the front line of World War 1 #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
Youth from all over Europe visiting the war cemetery of Tyne Cot near Ypres, the front line of World War 1 #peaceisthefuture
Youth from all over Europe visiting the war cemetery of Tyne Cot near Ypres, the front line of World War 1 #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
Youth from all over Europe visiting the war cemetery of Tyne Cot near Ypres, the front line of World War 1 #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Photogallery del panel
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
Photogallery del panel
Photogallery del panel
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
Photogallery del panel
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
Photogallery del panel
Panel 2: Sustainable Development and Fight against Poverty in 21st Century
Photogallery del panel
Panel 2: Sustainable Development and Fight against Poverty in 21st Century
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PANEL 4: Economy in the service of Peace
PANEL 5: The Believer, a person who experiences friendship
PANEL 4: Economy in the service of Peace
PANEL 4: Economy in the service of Peace
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PANEL 5: The Believer, a person who experiences friendship
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PANEL 5: The Believer, a person who experiences friendship
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PANEL 6: Seeking Peace
PANEL 8: Martyrs in Our Times
PANEL 6: Seeking Peace
PANEL 8: Martyrs in Our Times
PANEL 6: Seeking Peace
PANEL 8: Martyrs in Our Times
PANEL 8: Martyrs in Our Times
PANEL 8: Martyrs in Our Times
PANEL 6: Seeking Peace
Peace is the Future - La Habana, Cuba 9 settembre 2014
Peace is the Future - La Habana, Cuba 9 settembre 2014
Peace is the Future - La Habana, Cuba 9 settembre 2014
Peace is the Future - La Habana, Cuba 9 settembre 2014
Peace is the Future - La Habana, Cuba 9 settembre 2014
Peace is the Future - La Habana, Cuba 9 settembre 2014